Guiding "Fun Friday"

2nd February 2018
I have planned to this day, I made a fun game last night. This game use for Mathayom 4/6, this class usually teaches by Mr Sunny and I know them so well. I give them instruction so they will do the game easily. Well, this game uses some clues and students should answer it based on the clues. I separate the clues before the students enter the class so they don't know the places for the clues. This is the challenge of the students beside they answering clues, they also should looking for the places of the clues.
The students very excited about this game and they looking for the clues in the class. And after the time runs up. We check the answer together. Luckily there is one of group that answer a half of the question. Yeah this is very good because I made the game not that easy so I really happy when the students could answer a half of the questions. The students were really excited when I will give them a gift. I was planning to give the Indonesian noodle but fortunately I forget to bring it so I give them Indonesian Dollar Rupiah. They were very happy, they smelled it and compared it with Bath. I want them to save it so they will remember me haha

(the students try to look for the clues)

(the students try to answer the clues)


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