Open House Event (School Aniversary)

15 February 2018
Finally Open House!! It’s like an anniversary celebration so the school is celebrating their anniversary. It was really good! The performances, the decorations and lot of things. This event was opened in the hall then the outside of the hall is the boots. Every department shows their games, their performance and the food that sold in the boot. It was very interesting!! There are English, Math, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and many more. They sale foods, candies, drink and many more. Not only that, they also give some games that related with their major. In English major they provide Bingo Games and Bottle Game. It was really fun because they got gift after plating games.

(Before opening ceremony with the member of Governor)

(Chinese Performance)

(With Thai dancers)

(In front Of English Boot with Kru Bew)

I wear my traditional clothes here and the teacher was very happy seeing that. I wear this to explain Indonesian culture to everyone here.


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Hallo CRRU!!

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